Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm done with clubs!!!

This weekend was pretty rough...
Thursday night my friends Justin, kenny and Iwent out to the club. We usually go to the same one every thursday because of the drink specials. Things were going great. Suddenly, a fight broke out at the bar, which triggered 4 other fights. So there ended up being a brawl and they closed down the club 30 minutes early. As we were leaving, my friends wanted to stick around and see what would happen. I absolutely hate being around such nonsense, so i said I'm going to keep walking to the car. My friends didn't follow and i was pretty upset and didn't want to be there. I live about 4 blocks away from the place so i decided to just walk home. Turned out that while my friends decided to stick around, some drunk suburban guys started trouble with them for no reason and smashed Justin's windshield with a baseball bat. The police had to be called and everything. Should have just listened to me, but no one does, so i guess lessons have to just be learned!
So last night we decide to try a different place that is usually fun and less dramatic. I preferably don't like the club that much, but it's better than most. So we're there with a few other friends, and things are fine. It's funny because I seem to notice that girls who are high strung ( pretty much every female in the joint) don't want to dance with normal guys. They all want to dance with the spiked up haired wanna-be Italian pretty boys who are trying to be too much for thier own good. The girls who aren't too high maintainance and aren't that attractive don't want to dance either, then you see them with the nastiest ugliest guy in the club later on. Then you get the lame excuses. There was one girl who was with her friend, and her friend started dancing with a guy for a lot of songs, while she danced by herself. So i went up to her and asked her to dance. She responds " No, my boyfriend is here." There was no guy in sight, and i hadn't seen her with anyone but her friend all night. I mean, if you don't want to dance just say no! I won't get mad, but it's frustrating when you know your being lied to right to your face. Also it's the simple fact that i'm not asking anyone to marry me, just dance for a few songs. But i guess i have to be an asshole with a bunch of money to be able to dance with someone and look like a girl i guess. anyway... So 6 fights break out. I don't know if it was the weather this weekend or what, but people were just on edge. So we leave and the police are there, and they are bothering people and provocing people to yell at them so they can arrest them. One drunk kid was walking out and the officer told him to "get the F%$@ out of the way." The kid said "yeah i'm moving asshole" and 3 cops jumped on the kid and hand cuffed him. Cops can be assholes sometimes. Then my friends decide to go get food from the street vendor. I just wanted to go home. We wait for like 40 minutes for a few burgers and hotdogs. It was rediculous. All the while some drunk guy somes over to us and calls me Kanye West ( famous rapper) and i was in no mood. he says to me " Why are you standing by yourself Kanye West, you should have 10 bitches with you." Now, i'm not one to call women bitches, and he just struck a nerve. I said " Listen you dumbass, i'm here with 8 people, can't you see, get the hell outta my face." He proceeds to tell my friends brother that he needs a haircut. I just wanna go home, and my friends are waiting around for food like it's Christmas or something! The kid starts yelling at our friend Lynette and her mother was there also. ( her mom is really cool). Her mom, all of 4 feet 11 inches stands right up to the 6 foot 4 guy and curses him out. He starts yelling at the mom, and that's when i just snapped. I jumped in front of the guy and his friend came to his aid and was trying to convince us that he was just drunk and he didn't mean anything. yes he was drunk, but he had offended too many of us in a short amount of time. His friend pulls him away and starts cursing at me like he was going to do something. I turn around and say for the 30th time LET'S GO!!!
So we leave and I came home and went right to bed. That's pretty much it for me. No more clubs. I'll hit the bars and hang with friends, but i just can';t take these drunk people who come up to you trying to prove they are a man. I'm not one to fight or get into many confrentations, but i was ready to beat some ass last night. Just glad it's all over!

1 comment:

zurine angulo said...

That reminds me to the years i used to hang out like that too. I hated when people would get too drunk and do stupid things, like fighting. I think that's one of the reasons why i decided to stop going to those places and have a more relaxed kind of fun.
Even though dancing is so much fun...