Being unemployed really sucks. This is the longest I haven't had a job in 11 years. I even had a job in school. If I had the money to get to NYC and crash till i found a place right now, I'd be gone! I can't even tell you how many times I have sent my resume, and I don't even remember how many applications i've filled out. I'm not saying that I hadn't recieved any offers, but the offers that did come in wern't that great.
I got one offer to be head cook at a place in the Village Gate Square, but this job consisted of walking into an unhealthy situation and i'd be the buffer, line cooking, designing a full menu, baking, and doing inventory for the good old ripe price of $8 an hour! You see my angst. I got a few more offers that were not as crazy, but they all wanted me to do the job of a head chef with the pay of a prep cook.
I found one good place that I would have loved to be at. It's a place in Penfield that is growing to be something great. The only problem was that the owner wanted to hire someone who would eventually run that whole location and be there permanently. I could have lied just to get the job and then leave for NYC, but I just couldn't do that. The thing I found out later was that they would have wanted me to make deliveries also on top of everything! WHY CAN'T I JUST COOK AND DO INVENTORY?!!!!! Granted the fact that these guys were actually willing to pay a good chunk of money to have me there. I liked them a lot and they are good people, so I wouldn't screw them over by accepting the job and then leaving 4 months into it.
I had an interview at Wegmans for thier bakery department. I tend to interview very well so that wasn't a problem. They also wanted someone to be there for a year and over. The lady liked me a lot so she said she'd see if there was any way she could find a short term place for me anywhere in the store. So that is still pending.
Basically i'm not even going to mention school and NYC. I'm not going to be dishonest, but it seems like that has been the determining factor. I'll keep on trucking though. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck!!!
Not unemployed anymore :o)
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