Thursday, August 24, 2006

Obtuse thoughts and family matters

Recently things have been changing for the better in my life. I'm getting better at cooking and pastries, I'm a better musician than I ever have been, my love life isn't ideal, but it's not dead and i'm feeling good finally, my finacial situation is surely coming to a positive. You would think that everything would be Kosher right? There is always something missing. In my case right now, it's my family. Anyone who knows me knows how independant I am and most people wonder if I really have a family or if I was a pod baby. Well I do, it's just complicated. My brother got divorced and has been living with my mother for the past year getting back on his feet, but he hasn't contributed a single dime to the cause. So naturally my mother looks to her baby boy to help support her finacially. Now, normally the case if the other way around. most people i know are still getting money put into thier accounts by thier parents for car payments, living expenses and whatever else. Since I was thirteen i have held a full time job and been playing professionally to support my mother and even my sister and her kids. I bought a car last year after working my ass off and I haven't been able to put it on the road yet. Now It all isn't my familys fault, granted i've been waiting for this resturaunt job for almost 6 months, but the reason I had to take my last car off the road was due to paying my mothers bills and shortcomings. So Of course it wouldn't have been a smooth transition with my new car. That is the entire reason I moved out last year. It's been hard but I've come a very long way. I just don't understand why I am always the one who is relyed upon to help everyone else out. It's just not fair. meh!! I already talked to Quinn about this, and i know what i have to do, just needed to get it out.
On the other hand, I just got off the phone with a guy named Mike James. I wrote a bunch of parts for him and his band and played on his CD a few years ago when I was a studio engineer. Well he called me up today with an offer. His band needs a 5th member. It's a few keyboard parts, and a TON of percussion. Now, this isn't just any old garage band. He's been signed by a major record label, the drummer is a guy named John stevens who was the most influential drummer in my life, and there are tons of gigs and photo ops and the real show business thing. But the beauty of it is that I can be like the 6th member of dave Mathews band. The keyboardist isn't in any pics or anything, but he's on the album and plays the live shows.... basically does his own thing on the side, shows up and plays, and gets payed. That would be me in this band. sheesh, decisions decisions. I have a lotta thinking to do!


Anonymous said...

do it, do it, do it. & good job! I don't know much about your family but I mean, personally I wouldn't do it, it's time for you, Idk how I can say that though. Maybe it's cuz I don't like my mother. HMM. Thats hard, but you can't carry your mother forever, Hmm, I'd be stumped right now...good luck though. ~Sara~

D.Amouhd Tramell said...

Thanx. I appcreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Devon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Devon - I had lunch with Mrs. Eichenlaub this week who told me you were cooking at Jack Lavere's. I teach kindergarten at #1 but don't think I had you in my class. Years ago I had a Sharrod Tramell. But the reason I am writing is to tell you that we went to Jack Lavere's last night and thought the food was a wow. We eat out often and at the better restaurants in Rochester and Jack Lavere's will be high on our list. What exactly is your position there ? I just finished reading the book Heat which is about restaurant cooking and really learned alot. Read it if you haven't. Trisha Zuckerman

D.Amouhd Tramell said...

I'm the pastry chef there. So if you had dessert, I made it and did all the designs and what not. Vut we all make various things there. All a group effort.