Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Holidays

To all those who sit in anticipation, watching the smiles on the faces of your loved ones, I wish you a joyous day. For those who are alone and cannot get home, life is the most` simple of presents you have and recieve every day, I wish you a happy holiday. This time of year is not about how many things you recieved or how much someone spent on you, but that the people in your life actually care about you. They care enough to think of you and say Happy holidays or Merry christmas or Happy Hannukah. Be thankful for everything that you already have because it could all be gone tommorow. Cherish the people who love you because they are what make you strong. Make everyday a special day for love and giving.
I want to thank everyone who loves me and show me that they care about me each and every day. Times get hard but i still know that they are right behind me when i need them. I appreciate you greatly. I love each and every one of you. You are my reason for living, and my motivation to succeed. May all your days be filled with pride, strength, wisdom, and love. Happy Holidays from my heart to yours.

1 comment:

cityflip said...

merry christmas to you too, tiger! i hope it's a good one. i enjoyed your post -- you speak the truth. or type. whatever.
luv ya.