Monday, August 08, 2005

Good things are happening

Well as the title says, good things are happening! I found an apartment and i'm moving in on friday. it's a 1 bedroom on the corner of Oxford and Park ave. It's really sweet. I live next to my buddy Matt Miraglia. So 2 trumpet players in there now! Gonna have a house warming party friday night, then we're goin to the east end festival, then comin back to party it up even more!!!! So this weekend should be great.
I'm doing this national drum competition next month at guitarcenter. I'm not expecting to even win the first round, i wasn't going to even enter, but i was playing some kits and the guys who worked there said i should do it and had already signed me up, so i guess i have no choice. but there will be a lot of great prises, and if u win the whole thing u get a car 3 kits and tons of other shit. so i guess i might as well try.
I got the raise i wanted, and things are going fine at the cafe. It feels good being appreciated. II was asked to do some managing also because Scott will be leaving in a few weeks. it sucks to see him go, but it's for the better.
My life is pretty sweet right now, and i'm not gonna complain about anything. It's not every 10 years that i get a streak of good luck like this!! So i gotta start packing hardcore and switch the rest of everything over to the new place! Come by sometime! IM me or call for the new address. Peace!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see your new place. I come home sat, so call me when you have time. I am glad things are going good for you. see you soon